Scene 11 Finale

Scene 11


Set: kitchen

Scene: Allison is preparing breakfast.  Tommy enters.

The land line rings.

Check call display

Allison “ it’s Cat

Cat “ Let me speak to dad

Cel phone rings

Allison “Why’s Beth calling now?”

Beth “ Let me speak to Dad”

Allison “What’s going on?”

Tommy “put them on speaker

Cat “ Did you hear?”

Tommy “ What?”

Cat “First, That was good last night, I really liked it. You should do more coffee houses. You really looked happy y’know, performing.

Tommy “Thanks, It was a lot of fun.”

Cat That’s not why I called. In attendance at the coffee house was a music critic who blogged about how he loved the performance”

Allison “cool”

Tommy “It’s nice to get some feedback. Even nicer that he liked it”

Beth “It’s different when I see you perform a song live, so different than just listening to it.

I finally paid attention to the words.  It’s about you isn’t it? It’s about us?”

Tommy “Yes, it’s about us.”


Tommy embraces Ali. The lights dim.

Cue music

Tommy moves forward into a solitary spotlight.


Tommy on lead

During the first verse a second spotlight comes up on a figure standing to the side of the stage. It is adolescent Tommy standing by the mirror with his acoustic guitar. He walks towards Tommy and joins him to sing the chorus.

At the second chorus the entire ensemble assembles then joins in from bridge to the end.


Song-Try harder


I believe that everyone,      is a prodigy at something

A mere fraction get the opportunity to realize their potential

That doesn’t mean that  we should accept the status quo

Question all that we could have

I stared in the mirror  and I asked myself

What if my best doesn’t cut it?


If your best ain’t good enough       try harder  try harder

If your reach ain’t far enough       push farther push farther

If you feel there’s no new thoughts       Be smarter be smarter

Try harder

Can’t avoid the news today      global unrest and hardship

People challenged every way and pushed to deal as best they can against the forces

Natural disasters           politics and wars

How’d it ever get this way?

What we need is      a push a shake a wake up call

A voice inside our heads saying


If your best ain’t good enough       try harder  try harder

If your reach ain’t far enough       push farther push farther

If you feel there’s no new thoughts       Be smarter be smarter

Try harder

Open doors        tear down the walls    heal all the sick

End all wars      put everybody back to work


If your best ain’t good enough       try harder  try harder

If your reach ain’t far enough       push farther push farther

If you feel there’s no new thoughts       Be smarter be smarter

Try harder



The end